Human Design - 'do without doing and the doing gets done'
Communing, relating from self love and mutual respect
Human Design information tells us that Evolution has shifted in the last 230 years (since 1781), we are now here to enjoy our lives as passenger consciousness, mind is apparently being freed to roam in self reflection so that the uniqueness of the journey can be talked about to another. This is called 9 centered communing.
How do we know this is the case? We experiment with making decisions from strategy and authority. That is the doorway to relieving the mind of thinking it has to run the life. It is a journey into trusting life.
Correct decision making as yourself is the foundation for being more comfortable in the life. That experiment sets in motion a self cleaning loop that allows us to anchor in the natural way life unfolds, while simultaneously bringing to the surface what is called the not-self thinking patterns so that they can be seen for the mistaken mental strategizing that they are.
Growing pains are a part of the deconditioning process. It is a quality of pain that needs to be distinguished from the pain of living with 7 centered conditioning. NINE CENTERED PAIN is the pain of waking up, like when you get pins and needles as the circulation comes back. It's also the sweet pain of connecting with how it hurts to not love your uniqueness. SEVEN CENTERED PAIN is the pain of holding life together through the mind. It is the of stoicism, the pain of comparison, the pain that comes from how mental decision making meets resistance. (to understand the terminology, 7 and 9 centered, please see the section headed ‘Spirituality' and the section on Evolution of Consciousness’)
How do we know this is the case? We experiment with making decisions from strategy and authority. That is the doorway to relieving the mind of thinking it has to run the life. It is a journey into trusting life.
Correct decision making as yourself is the foundation for being more comfortable in the life. That experiment sets in motion a self cleaning loop that allows us to anchor in the natural way life unfolds, while simultaneously bringing to the surface what is called the not-self thinking patterns so that they can be seen for the mistaken mental strategizing that they are.
Growing pains are a part of the deconditioning process. It is a quality of pain that needs to be distinguished from the pain of living with 7 centered conditioning. NINE CENTERED PAIN is the pain of waking up, like when you get pins and needles as the circulation comes back. It's also the sweet pain of connecting with how it hurts to not love your uniqueness. SEVEN CENTERED PAIN is the pain of holding life together through the mind. It is the of stoicism, the pain of comparison, the pain that comes from how mental decision making meets resistance. (to understand the terminology, 7 and 9 centered, please see the section headed ‘Spirituality' and the section on Evolution of Consciousness’)
Foundation Reading
When you first get a Human Design reading what usually hits home is the recognition that the information is accurate, it brings a relaxation to hear another person read from a genetic blueprint that you are who you know yourself to be! Then where do those inner voices come from that crowd the mind telling you how you ‘should’ be? They are the hallmark of 7 centered mental conditioning. This conditioning is a holdover from the last 80,000 years of evolution that involved the development of mind. The mind hearing the truth can begin befriending the inner critic through a lived experience that it is well intentioned but misguided. Protection is in trusting uniqueness, not the demands of homogenization. There is an alchemical transformation that can take place from just the seeing of this conditioning.
The Deconditioning Process
Deconditioning is a factor in the unfolding discovery of our true nature when we come late in life to knowing our Human Designs. We can re-learn that life can be trusted through the education of our minds with the nature of mechanics and experimenting with its validity. A child is born with that trust and Human Design knowledge can nurture and support that inborn trust. As adults, the journey is often fuelled by a longing to recover the trust we knew in our childhood.
When we come to Human Design information later in life, a particular cleansing process is initiated that is otherwise unrecognized by psychology. Psychological understanding is valuable but limited without the context of the mechanical differentiation in play. As children we may or may not have been lovingly supported to be ourselves. However without the map, we inevitably got the (7 centered) conditioning to use the mind for decision to run the life
The deconditioning that takes place involves a slow but sure unhooking from the adaptive strategies put in place in early life, in order to function in a homogenized world where there is no specific differentiation for type or unique design. The more we are anchored in the decision making as the way to being aligned to our life purpose, the more we have roots in belonging just the way we are. This is a reparenting to trust the nature of your own design.
The first seven years of childhood lay down the fundamental condtioning elements
To look in the eyes of almost any three year old, is to still see a connection to their inner life spark. That spark can be kept alive if a child is treated according to the nature of their mechanics. That would mean they are first supported to eat according to the way their digestive system is wired (see PHS information in advanced readings). This will be important for realizing the full brain development potential.
Secondly that they receive a constant mirroring from those around, that they can access their own inner authority and decision making strategy. Even a baby can be held with the energy that expresses respect for it’s type of design (e.g. a Generator baby can be offered the nipple as something to respond to, rather than having it placed in their mouth). Of course they need a certain structuring by adults, and still it is the respect for the nature of their mechanics that will give them a fundamental grounding in themselves. That life spark can then stay alive and not be overwhelmed by the mental training to use the mind to run the life.
Secondly that they receive a constant mirroring from those around, that they can access their own inner authority and decision making strategy. Even a baby can be held with the energy that expresses respect for it’s type of design (e.g. a Generator baby can be offered the nipple as something to respond to, rather than having it placed in their mouth). Of course they need a certain structuring by adults, and still it is the respect for the nature of their mechanics that will give them a fundamental grounding in themselves. That life spark can then stay alive and not be overwhelmed by the mental training to use the mind to run the life.
Respecting the Spirit
The well being that comes from the presence of plenty of parental caring is indisputable. However that obviously important factor is distinct from the hidden effect of 7 centered conditioning on a young 9 centered consciousness.
As adults, we are the product of that 7 centered conditioning, we inevitably, if inadvertently model the reliance on mental survival strategies to a young mind regardless of how loving the home environment. The outcome is a subtle negation of the integrity within a child to trust their inner authority and the very spirit of their nature to be able to find their way from an inner knowing.
Treating a child according to their nature, in this frame, means that knowing the mechanics of their type will be at the forefront of how they are honored as a being. Also that their specific inner authority is always referenced to them as the only thing they need for navigating in life with each decision. This is the antidote to being attracted to using the mind for decision making.
As adults, we are the product of that 7 centered conditioning, we inevitably, if inadvertently model the reliance on mental survival strategies to a young mind regardless of how loving the home environment. The outcome is a subtle negation of the integrity within a child to trust their inner authority and the very spirit of their nature to be able to find their way from an inner knowing.
Treating a child according to their nature, in this frame, means that knowing the mechanics of their type will be at the forefront of how they are honored as a being. Also that their specific inner authority is always referenced to them as the only thing they need for navigating in life with each decision. This is the antidote to being attracted to using the mind for decision making.
Loving the Not-Self
It is my experience that trusting my uniqueness has meant excavating the deep conditioning that tells me my safety is in being homogenized. We can only start from loving ourselves for being exactly where we are, and not for being where our idealized self image would like us to be. The experiment of making decisions as myself has given me the experience that my real safety is in being a passenger, but my mind is still full of a 7 centered inheritance that tells me otherwise. Like many people, I even started by trying to ‘think’ my way into living my design.
It is all part of the deconditioning process to see how the mind has been trained to run the life. From this we all have this 7 centered conditioning that encouraged us from a very young age to structure a ‘persona’ with which to meet the world. It runs deep in our psyche to do that with our minds. When you observe the ‘not self’ without judgment, it’s illusory nature becomes evident and the true self comes into the foreground.
It is all part of the deconditioning process to see how the mind has been trained to run the life. From this we all have this 7 centered conditioning that encouraged us from a very young age to structure a ‘persona’ with which to meet the world. It runs deep in our psyche to do that with our minds. When you observe the ‘not self’ without judgment, it’s illusory nature becomes evident and the true self comes into the foreground.
Meeting the presence of the not-self with compassion is a major part in the balancing act of finding the grounding of ‘true self’ and how that then allows for further excavation of the not-self. Deconditioning work is delicate, it takes time, it involves slowly but surely approaching the misguided not-self intention of the mind with love and acceptance. The not-self has it’s power only when it is hiding and to able to see it is to not be lost in being the not-self.
Loving the Self is the natural outcome of living a 9 Centered life. The freedom of spirit is in the awareness of passenger consciousness.
Tools Human Design has an abundant tool bag of mechanical information that can support the deconditioning process in various ways depending on what attracts a person (or not) at any given stage in their journey. As a Projector I’ve studied most of them and this website lays out various possibilities.
Loving the Self is the natural outcome of living a 9 Centered life. The freedom of spirit is in the awareness of passenger consciousness.
Tools Human Design has an abundant tool bag of mechanical information that can support the deconditioning process in various ways depending on what attracts a person (or not) at any given stage in their journey. As a Projector I’ve studied most of them and this website lays out various possibilities.