Cosmology & the Evolutionary Program For Consciousness in Form
7 Centeredness
Human Design is called the Mechanics of the Maya. Since Maya is the Sanskrit word for illusion, this is almost a contradiction in terms.
As part of the background evolutionary information, it is part of the revelation of the mechanics that there was a shift in 1781 that involved the Human species entering a new phase of evolutionary development.
Development of Cogntion, Witnessing,
Unique perception is our new evolutionary purpose, we are here to develop the cognitive ability that arrives as we surrender to being in the life that we are designed to live, observant as passengers, rather than interfering with it.
Spirituality from this understanding is simply about ‘showing up as yourself’, being witness to the living of your design!
In the 80,000 years or so previous to 1781, our evolutionary purpose had been to develop mind as a strategizing tool for survival.
Origins of Meditation Practices
At the same time to counterbalance the madness of a powerful mind we also developed meditation practices that involved transcending the mind and the ego. The evolutionary shift has been so relatively recent that the momentum of the past frame dominates all cultures.Glorification of the Power of MindSo even though we are born with a new evolutionary purpose, the old one still pervades our consciousness. We all carry the weight of 7 centered conditioning that glorifies the power of the mind to run the life. The mind driven egotism is evident in the comparative ‘pecking order’ mentality and where finding the way to ‘belong’ within the system is considered the meal ticket for survival.
The homogenized mind driven egotism is evident in our conformist yet competitive modern societies with the focus that survival and security are a byproduct of belonging, or fitting in to the system.Emergence of inner criticThis conditioning mostly functions via an internalized inner critic inculcated in childhood through outer authority based upbringing. It still strongly influences the adult life and can be understood as a mindset that is a combination of ‘homogenized’ thinking and the way the not-self steals the show from the unique self.
Homo Sapiens 'Intransiitus' a transitional and new form
Developing mental awareness has been the general evolutionary push for our species. However the shift from 7 to 9 centers puts us in the category of being a transitional form. Just as Homo Sapiens mutated from an early ancestor, we in turn are paving the way for a new species that is coming. Their evolutionary purpose will be the development of emotional awareness.
2027 will bring the birth of a new specie (the Rave) and the beginning of new global cycle.
9 Centeredness
Since 1781, we entered the 9 centered phase
Our evolutionary purpose is now to learn to use mind as a tool for observation and self-reflection. It is no longer needed for strategizing about how to survive. Our survival is guaranteed by living according to the nature of our form mechanics.Survival is guaranteed when we are aligned with our DesignsA Human Design map is a description of those mechanics. The technique which primarily educates the mind to let go of it’s self improvement agenda’s is the experiment of making decisions as yourself. In the process of recognizing the valid truth of the mechanics we access passenger consciousness. The mind gets to measure and verify that in fact, survival is guaranteed when we show up as our unique selves. This is the unfolding as the mind participates in the alignment to the form principle decision making.
“As Adults, the pain that comes from not being raised according to our difference is the byproduct of the way in which most of us were raised as children, and if you’re not raised according to your difference, you start off with a cosmic inferiority complex. You just do. You’re caught immediately in the comparison game. Nobody truly can see the seeing that your Passenger can see, and that unique seeing is what we’re here to achieve in this life.” Ra Uru Hu
Meeting the other
Communing not competition is the evolutionary potential for 9 centered consciousness. Authentic connected communication from unique perception.
Alone in the backseat. Enjoying the ride. The meeting of the Mystical and Mundane. Loving the self, not looking for affirming love from the other
A Mental system that uses the mind to go beyond the mind
Human Design is a mental system that uses the mind to go beyond the mind. In one way this is in contrast to the classic meditation techniques for stilling the mind. In another way it is similar in that it is a training in watching, though specifically watching the actual contents of mind. It is about valuing and learning to see the real place of mind in our lives as a tool for measurement and self reflection.
The old archetype of 7 centered spirituality for transcending mind, summed up in the Zen Haiku - “sitting silently doing nothing, the grass grows by itself”, is still relevant in the element of choiclessness, as we watch from the backseat.
Yet as 9 centered beings we have a birthright that is a spiritual journey that is about harnessing the beauty of mind. The word ‘spiritual’ is misleading to the extent that it’s ‘old’ meaning tended to separate the mystical from the mundane . In this phase of evolution it is in the ordinary every day journey of surrendering to the limitation of the vehicle that we find our freedom of spirit. This is known in Human Design language as ‘enjoying the ride’!
The old archetype of 7 centered spirituality for transcending mind, summed up in the Zen Haiku - “sitting silently doing nothing, the grass grows by itself”, is still relevant in the element of choiclessness, as we watch from the backseat.
Yet as 9 centered beings we have a birthright that is a spiritual journey that is about harnessing the beauty of mind. The word ‘spiritual’ is misleading to the extent that it’s ‘old’ meaning tended to separate the mystical from the mundane . In this phase of evolution it is in the ordinary every day journey of surrendering to the limitation of the vehicle that we find our freedom of spirit. This is known in Human Design language as ‘enjoying the ride’!
Alignment and Awakening
Alignment: From correct decision making, settling into trusting the unfolding life and that your mind is not in charge. Awakening: Discovering the gift of the mind when it is not tied up with decision making
Over the ages, AWAKENESS has not changed as an experience of a trancsended state of human consciousness but there is a NEW 9 CENTERED PARADIGM FOR THE SPIRITUAL JOURNEY THAT COMES from HUMAN DESIGN MECHANICS
The practice of learning to consciously participate in the living of your design is a spiritual journey. We are all living our designs; it just makes a difference for the mind to participate in this unfolding when it is explicitly educated about what is going on mechanically.
There has always been the possibility of naturally finding those mechanics, but we have never had knowledge that can externally confirm what is subjectively apparent (or not). It is truly incredible that at this point in evolution we have been allowed to know the mechanics of form and we can actually look at a map to describe what the evolutionary program intended with the mechanism of any particular mind (and body). FOUR PATHS TO AWAKENESS
There has always been the possibility of naturally finding those mechanics, but we have never had knowledge that can externally confirm what is subjectively apparent (or not). It is truly incredible that at this point in evolution we have been allowed to know the mechanics of form and we can actually look at a map to describe what the evolutionary program intended with the mechanism of any particular mind (and body). FOUR PATHS TO AWAKENESS
Manifestors are here to know their impact
Manifestors are here to Surrender to Freedom. They are here to see how they impact others, when they operate from their inner authority (not their mind). Their signature is to find 'peace', a complete self acceptance in
Generators are here to know themselves
Generators are here to Surrender to the Now. They are the only type here to know themselves and that knowing is accessed in their moment by moment response to life. Their surrender is to a resting in ‘not knowing’ and trusting life will carry them down the river (they don’t need to push the river).
Projectors are here to know the other
Projectors are here to Surrender to knowing the Other. They are defined and given energy by those that recognize their value as guides. In that dependency is their independence.
Reflectors are here to sense their environment
Reflectors are here to Surrender to their Own Existence. Theirs is a life of having no fixed self, yet the essence of the divine is there in their transcendent consciousness.
“That surrender and the shattering step by step of the illusionthat the personality has, that it is creative, instead of simplybeing a mechanism - that it is not creative at all, that it is justa pattern. Then passenger consciousness comes alive, thepersonality is just another aspect of the form it is going to go alongwith where the form takes it, in its various configurations readingits various lines. The moment you are an enraptured audience ofthat experience, that it is entertainment, then you connectto what you are here for.”
Ra Uru Hu
Ra Uru Hu
The Science of Differentiation
“The Human Design System is not a belief system. It doesn't require that you believe in anything. It is not stories. It is not philosophy. It is a concrete map to the nature of being. We are passengers in these bodies. We are passenger consciousness experiencing the life. Buddha taught that the body is not yours. It is not. Yet at the same time, we are totally dependent on it. That is the tragedy of a sick body. We are totally dependent on our vehicles. To learn how to operate them properly, and it is really to learn how to allow them to operate properly, immediately brings benefits. This is not complex it is very straightforward and very logical.” Ra Uru Hu
Logical truth about our mechanical nature is an entirely new doorway to transformation, it can complement those that already exist in how it embraces the heretofore hidden realm of mechanics. It is also the existence of an accurate map that is the doorway for bringing uP children without the baggage of 7 centered conditioning.
Logical truth about our mechanical nature is an entirely new doorway to transformation, it can complement those that already exist in how it embraces the heretofore hidden realm of mechanics. It is also the existence of an accurate map that is the doorway for bringing uP children without the baggage of 7 centered conditioning.
Passenger consciousnessHuman Design uses the metaphor that we are traveling as passengers in the back seat of a vehicle. This passenger is the eternal aspect of our nature, it has been here before. We come into each life to learn from the experience of living that life. As the experiment of making decisions from Strategy and Authority unfolds the mind extricates itself from the job of trying to drive. It takes its hands off the steering wheel and can settle for its true function of self-reflection.
Outer AuthorityThis concerns the expression of authentic differentiated perception. False outer authority is when the 7 centered mind has conditioned the perception so that it isn’t clear, communication from this distorted perception mixes this not-self reality with the truth. Usually we all have a bit of both going on simultaneously, the awareness process is about becoming conscious of the difference between the two.
Outer AuthorityThis concerns the expression of authentic differentiated perception. False outer authority is when the 7 centered mind has conditioned the perception so that it isn’t clear, communication from this distorted perception mixes this not-self reality with the truth. Usually we all have a bit of both going on simultaneously, the awareness process is about becoming conscious of the difference between the two.
SHATTERINGThis term well describes the experience of a complete shift in seeing. Its like looking at a ‘gestalt’ picture and suddenly seeing the young woman instead of the old woman (or vice versa).
Awakening is about how the mind learns to ‘see’ differently. 7 centered conditioning involves the way the mind has been trained to think that survival depends on fabricating ‘an image of self’. The ‘letting go’ of needing an acceptable ‘self image’ amounts to an ‘ego’ death. Whether major or minor the death of the false ego with it’s well intentioned (if misguided) effort to protect the dignity of self, is a shattering.
Perhaps it can be described as a breakdown that in effect is a breakthrough. The experience is of slowly waking up to a true self unique purpose. The evidence gathers to the mind, that we belong exactly the way we are designed.
Awakening is about how the mind learns to ‘see’ differently. 7 centered conditioning involves the way the mind has been trained to think that survival depends on fabricating ‘an image of self’. The ‘letting go’ of needing an acceptable ‘self image’ amounts to an ‘ego’ death. Whether major or minor the death of the false ego with it’s well intentioned (if misguided) effort to protect the dignity of self, is a shattering.
Perhaps it can be described as a breakdown that in effect is a breakthrough. The experience is of slowly waking up to a true self unique purpose. The evidence gathers to the mind, that we belong exactly the way we are designed.
My thanks to this man, Ra Uru Hu, for being the messenger, a true Clarion
Born: 9th April 1948Mystical Experience, he received the information:3rd January 1987 (and the following 7 days)Died: 12th March 2011
Born: 9th April 1948Mystical Experience, he received the information:3rd January 1987 (and the following 7 days)Died: 12th March 2011